Guiding communities, organizations and the women who lead them in their journey to Finding Next.
The worldwide pandemic, economic upheaval and social unrest that 2020 debuted will linger with us in many forms for years to come. As international as these issues have been, the management of the crisis and disruption it has caused in the United States has fallen most often to state and local leadership. In every local community, Chambers of Commerce have been part of that critical response and recovery team, aiding citizens and businesses alike. But just like the business they serve; they too have faced significant disruptions and challenges to their normal operations. These challenges have exposed the cracks in their operating model that have been there and growing for decades. Our COVID-19 environment has now made the cracks too wide to ignore. It has also provided the perfect opportunity for chambers to rethink their mission and model in a way they may not have had the time or permission to do before. It is forcing chambers to re-imagine what they will need to be moving forward. To help in that reimagining, "From Relevant to Essential" identifies five key insights that all Chambers can use to ensure their organization is not just relevant to the members of their organization but is truly essential to the larger community that they serve.
Communities and Organizations are constantly challenged to find the time to assess, prioritize and develop forward thinking strategies. Finding The Next provides a variety of consulting services that guide their clients through that process with a unique emphasis on re-imaging their future, creating a more positive impact for the people and places they serve.
Image is from the IdentiVibe Project: Moogfest Technology/Music Festival
Women are always fighting their way through something. Whether personal, profession, mental or physical women are working harder than ever to get through now in the hopes of finding what’s next. Finding Your Next provides a variety of programs designed to guide women on that journey both through small group workshops and large group programs.
Image is from Personal Branding: International Women’s Day